Review of Taurus

Taurus (2022)
Unreviewable & Unviewable
1 May 2023
This is the third or fourth try at posting a review of the risible film.

I've wasted enough time with it that I won't re-write what I tried to post before.,

Basically, ALL THE 1 & 2 STAR REVIEWS HERE are entirely accurate and I totally concur with all the points made in them about why this film is such a stinker.

If you believe the 8-10 star reviews check how many other reviews they have posted.. you may find this is the only film they've reviewed which is usually a sign of 'in-house' hype.

These types of films have a definite conceit about & towards their audience,dealing in dishonest depictions, 'weighted' perspectives and glamorised narcissism mixed with self-loathing. Of course , in the right hands that could produce a decent film about the seedier aspects of the Music INDUSTRY... or you get a film like this instead- devoid of any real substance, deep insight or meaning.

There's great ENTERTAINING films that do a better job such as That'll Be the Day(1973) -starring David Essex & AdamFaith, and its brilliant sequel STARDUST the following year.

Or documentaries such as ANVIL and most applicably LAST DAYS HERE about Bobby Liebling, ''lead singer of seminal hard rock/heavy metal band Pentagram, as he battles decades of hard drug addiction and personal demons to try and get his life back''.
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