Lady Ice (1973)
Far duller than it should have been.
3 May 2023
Among the most interesting and bankable genres of films are heist pictures. Movies like "Rifiki", "Oceans 11", "Grand Slam", "Larceny Inc.", and "Bob le Flambeur" are just a few of the classic heist movies that come to mind....but there are many, many more. So, in light of this, you would expect "Lady Ice" to be much, much better than it was. Instead of thrills, it provided boredom. Some of the problem is the acting. While the lead, Donald Sutherland, has a certain charm to him, his leading lady, Jennifer O'Neill, is quite pretty....but not much more. A lot of this is because her acting range in the film is extremely limited and perhaps the script and direction were part of this problem. Plus, she was originally a model who later became an actress.

Who knows? All I know is that I wanted to like it more than I did...and with an overall paltry score on IMDB of 4.7, it's obvious others didn't particularly enjoy the film as well.

In this film, Andy (Sutherland) is posing as a carefree criminal. He begins the film with an actual robbery (of a mobster) and uses the stolen necklace to impress Paula (O'Neill)....and hopefully get her to trust him. Why? Because apparently this woman is the head of a fencing ring...hard as it is to believe.

I really wanted to like this film. Unfortunately, some low energy performances and a lackluster script made it a difficult task to finish the movie.
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