The Mother (2023)
Shockingly solid and entertaining
13 May 2023
As "The Mother" (2023 release; 117 min.) opens, J-Lo's character, later known as "The Mother" is highly pregnant and being interviewed in an FBI safehouse in Indiana, but things go wrong quicky, and she barely makes it out alive. She delivers a baby girl but for safety reasons, the girl is placed in the care of an adoptive family. At this point we are 10 minutes into the movie.

Couple of comments: this is an almost all=female production, directed by Niki Caro ("Mulan"), written by Misha Green ("Lovecraft Country", and produced by and starring Jennifer Lopez. J-Lo returns to her "bad-ass" persona, playing a one-woman army who will stop at nothing to protect her daughter. The movie is plot-heavy so the less said about that, the better. I will say this: I was genuinely shocked how solid and entertaining this movie turned out to be. The first hour is almost perfect, with perfect pacing, lots of well-staged action scenes, and an overall gritty and determined atmosphere. The movie's second hour is not quite as solid, but certainly not bad either. Joseph Fiennes is a decent "baddie". Bottom line: I was more than pleasantly surprised by this movie. Perhaps I started watching this with low expectations, but who cares.

"The Mother" has been pushed in the weeks leading up to its release. It started streaming on Netflix this weekend. If you are in the mood for a solid action-packed and gritty movie, I'd readily suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion.
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