Review of Piggy

Piggy (2022)
Shocking and entertaining.
18 May 2023
Cerdita, aka Piggy, A Spanish movie from 2022.

Sara is an overweight teenage girl, who faces bullying from a group of teenage girls, the so called crowd. After a bullying incident, Sara sees her bullies in trouble, she has a choice to make.

It's another cracker from Spain, Piggy is a wonderfully timed horror thriller, it's bleak, it's thought provoking, it's very relevant.

The interest of course lays right at Sara's feet, after suffering for what would have been a teen's worst nightmare, she witnesses a horrifying event, putting yourself in Sara's place, is she glad her tormenter is in trouble, or guilty for not doing something.

Laura Galan is excellent from start to finish, a competent and capable performance. You see how cruel life can be for a teen that's different, in her case overweight, you see how cruel a group can be, it's very well observed.

The horror, bullying and gore are all measured, nothing is overdone, they could have easily made this into a gore fest, or gone too far, but they didn't.

That ending, I won't be forgetting that in a hurry.

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