The Mother (2023)
Requires stupidity to make the plot work
18 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is about the Mothers daughter being Kidnapped.

A friend from 12 years ago calls her in because her daughters picture was found with badguys and they know they're after her.

Instead of grabbing her daughter and getting it out of danger they.. just don't do that and instead wait till the danger actually rrives.

She is in a parkhouse with a rilfe looking right at the boss bad guy that is coordinating everything. She could just shoot him and end it right there.

What she does instead is wait, then shoot at all his underlings, then be too slow and fail to shoot the boss guy who grabs her daughter and gets away with her.

How about taking out the most dangerous (and easiest to get) target first like any reasonable person.

Then they get the daughter back, even though the guy who ordered the kidnapping is still out there, and still wants the thing he wanted all along, they think they are safe now.

And oh surprise, she gets caught by bad guy again.

She is in a perfect position to shoot the boss badguy and the badguy next to him and end it in just two bullets but.. doesn't...? Which then causes her friend to be killed and her to just escape narrowly.

There is a section where she trains her daughter which is nice, but... its just so typical.

Military parent trains child/grandchild in times of danger is almost too common/cliche of a concept.

Then after being hunted, having loved ones killed and having to disappear into the snowy woods to hide away, somehow the girl didn't know she shouldn't give her real name to a doctor who put it into a computer... And oh what a surprise next day a full platoon of badguys arrive.

She wants to keep her daughter safe and gives her to her father(?).

But of course daughter prefers to just be stupid, steals car and runs away from there and drops right into the danger she was supposed to be kept safe from.

Then we get a bit more nonsense.

See a badguy adjusting the zeroing on his holosight on his MP5 (that's nonsense, that sight is only for short ranges, and he's on a snow mobile and will not use it while shooting anyway").

Something explodes, badguy takes his binocular, and instantly finds a white painted mine lying in the slow over a kilometer away..

Bad guy tties the steering bars of a snowmobile with rope and sents it towards her house. The steeringbar doesn't even hold straight, but over a kilometer distance it still EXACTLY hits the house and it explodes in a big fireball.

For one thats ridiculous, second, Why send all your guys through a forest full of mines and traps to get to that house, if you could just take that straight route that is obviously clear of obstacles.

10 seconds after the big explosion, his underlings are suddenly standing right next to the house, why blow it up if you're already there?

All these bad guys are obviously not any kind of problem for The Mother, she handily picks them all off.

But oh what surprise, some stupid girl in a truck comes down the road, fails to control the truck and drives into a ditch and gets stuck without any ability to defend herself.

Badguys behind her on a snow mobile chase. "Oh she's shooting at us, should we maybe not drive right behind her with no cover? Naehhhh" first one gets picked off, second, ... Brains not present apparently.

Then she flees onto a tree.. A tree.. surrounded by badguys... What did she expect would happen? I don't know, maybe she just wanted to help out the bad writing not being able to come up with any non-stupid way to continue.

(My random idea, have bad guy shoot and hit her snow mobile so it can't continue driving. That would atleast have made sense.)

In her last ditch effort, she shots at badguy in car (from left side) who's driving away with her daughter.

She's shoothing with a 7.62mm SCAR.. That bullet will go straight through his head if she hits, and right behind his head is... her daugther. That's a truly great idea.

It would be so simple, but if obvious bad/nonsense decisions are needed to make the core plot work, it just kills the mood.

With good decision this movie would have ended after 20 minutes, with repeatedy bad ones it takes the 2 hours that it does.

It is watchable if you want to ignore logic, but its annoying.

If you're looking for something to help you with boredom, watch it.

If you're looking for something entertaining/good, watch something else.
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