Bluestone 42 (2013–2015)
Light-hearted but also Light on Laughs
20 May 2023
I managed a couple of episodes of this before I realised that I had not laughed or even smiled once - indeed I had all but forgotten that this was meant to be a comedy. It is unrealistic, crass, and witless - imagine The Thin Blue Line set in Helmand Province and you have it.

There is a certain novelty to it and the characters are likeable but there is scant realism, not genuine sense of danger and the dialogue is glib idiocy after a fashion that you would not find away from TV.

Perhaps I am missing the point of this but the gags, such as they are, are tired and obvious. Even allowing for some willing suspension of disbelief, this does seem overly facile and approaching disrespectful. It's light, that is true and seemingly there are viewers out there who find crude references and inane exchanges hilarious but I quickly found this as dull as can be - seems like a comedy written by a teenager for teenagers.
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