The inspiration for The Beatles Movie 'Let it Be" (Get Back).
29 May 2023
In 1968 Paul McCartney watched the movie "The Mystery Of Picasso" and devised a plan where The Beatles would replicate the artistic process by having a film crew record them making an Album. Over the course of January 1969 The Beatles set up a film set and started rehearsing new music. Shortly after they recorded the results in their new Apple studio. While it was a fractious period and relationships within the Band worsened the audience have come to consider the concept as hugely important as a cultural artefact . A similar outcome occurred for Clouzot with this Picasso film which failed at the box office shortly after release in 1956. As time went by it has gained widespread recognition as a immensly important historic document. What links Picasso and The Beatles together is the way revealed highly developed methodologies to craft their art. For the title "Mystery" with Picasso was essentially an ironic stance. There is none. Watch and see to learn. Picasso goes through his step by step processes by starting with line and revealing his highly intelligent design sense in each work he makes. He lets 'us' in. Every step he takes is clear and analytical. He is showing how space is used and how colour is another compositional element. It is all quite logical and he is a confident master who understands his medium. The same applies to The Beatles in 'Let it Be". These film documents will be studied for centuries to come and be of immense guidance for anyone who really want to understand visual and musical language. It is offered knowingly and as a gift to the world.
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