4 June 2023
The current sequel from last year to the 2020 French original streaming on Netflix. Picking up almost where the predecessor left off, our anti-hero, Alban Lenoir, is keeping an eye on a possible victim in retaliation from the villain he felled from the first film. When they do come, he vanquishes the men & after a year's time we see he's joined the 'go fast' crew as a cop (along w/his predilection to mount destructive rams on the front of his car) but when he stumbles upon the henchmen, Sebastien Lalanne, he thought was dead (who's now in witness protection because of the information he has to topple other criminals) Lenoir will have none of it as he's determined to bring him to justice (he's also wanted for crimes in neighboring Spain) w/the last forty minutes or so an extended game of hot potato as Lalanne is transpo'd to Spain but w/a passel of cops hoping to get him back into custody on his heels as well as some corrupt ones who will kill Lalanne where he stands. Feeling like they had maybe an hour's worth of screenplay, the filmmaker decided to make this an extended chase flick which if you think about it doesn't make a lick of sense but as far as the vehicular mayhem on display it does satisfy but no amount of seeing cars being blasted high into the air can compensate w/a well tuned screenplay that makes a modicum of logic, no matter the language it's in.
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