BlackBerry (2023)
Best of the Three 1980s Pop Culture Movies
13 June 2023
There happen to be three movies out right now telling the story behind a piece of 1980s pop culture. "Air" is about the founding of the Air Jordan brand at Nike; "Tetris" is about the battle over licensing for one of the most famous games in history; and "Blackberry" is about the mega-success and eventual obsoletion of a piece of technology that was undermined by Apple.

Of the three, "Blackberry" is the best. Sharp writing and direction from Matt Johnson, who also happens to turn in a terrific performance as the moral conscience of the company behind the famous hand-held device, turns this movie into a juicy and intensely entertaining story about corporate ego and competing visions. Jay Baruchel and Glenn Howerton also give outstanding performances, and the whole thing makes for one of the most entertaining movies I've seen yet this year.

And even though I've been using an iPhone for years, nothing has made me appreciate the brilliance of Steve Jobs' invention as much as this movie, which shows why it absolutely blew the Blackberry out of the water.

Grade: A.
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