Excellent Julie!
17 June 2023
Excellent Julie! Excellent Julie!!!

That's what i hear them saying (if they weren't busy being stabbed and weren't um...) Im not sure where I was going with this..but on to the review Thefilm was rather interesting in a lot of ways. Firstly i suppose the hippie commune; an unordinary locale for the genre in my opinion but i've only seen a handful of this so called style which i guess is a giallo type of film. And in a way others have had similar scenarios but at least not on the italian coast.

Second the actors, the lady i foget her name but shes rather good. Austrian i believe; (i can't open the details while writing this) supposed next Garbo if memory serves. I like her. She was in Suspiria and basically every odd Gialli Ive seen.

Julie is a notch above decent If not very good . The guy from the Bond film I really enjoyed as well. I had apprehensions he would be a stiff for some reason as if he may have felr beneath these type of roles. Or rather the roll beneath he. I was pleasantly surprised and impressed. Reminds me of Leslie Nielson in a way. Nbc If Leslie was a fat Italian that is. Fine "portly'..

Thirdly the soundtrack (I could go with other things but Ill stop here). It created a bizzarre surreal atmosphere much like the Herscel Lewis film Wizard of Gore which I think works both here and there in some weird way.

Fourthly the somewhat original twist ending, the nuancitys of which recall a horrible recurring nightmare I have. I won't go into specifics for there could be people whom haven't seen this yet but Ill say it did rather come close to home with me.
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