Fine Performance By Signorina Miranda
22 June 2023
A child is kidnapped in the mistaken belief the parents have money. A phone call is made from a public telephone. Then the corpse is found. The police speak to Isa Miranda, who used the public almost immediately after, but she was too involved with her own thoughts to notice anything. Nonetheless, she comes up with the idea of saying she did recognize the kidnapper to draw them out. The police say no, but she tells the newspaper she did, which forces the police to plant a plainclothesman in her house, and draw the attention of the kidnappers: next-door neighbors Dan Duryea and Gwen Watford. Duryea decides she has to die.

It's a very good cat-and-mouse game, with a fine performance my Signorina Miranda and a good one by Duryea., just clever enough to avoid the traps, spreading chaos as he goes along. With Peter Madden and Barry Warren.
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