DC Down (2023)
Earthquake and politics
22 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Can there be an earthquake in Washington D. C.? Can it rock the entire center of our nation's government and trap both President Powell (Sean Young, yes, Sean Young is the President) and Vice President Jameson (Daphne O'Neal) inside the White House? And in the midst of it all, will Speaker of the House Wilder (Eric Roberts) use the twenty-fifth amendment to take over the leadership of America and bring in The Virginia Lookout militia and their leader Beck (Geoff Meed, who also directed and wrote this) to help calm the populace? And will aftershocks keep blasting the capital? And can it all be stopped by combat engineer Lance Cushing (Jack Pearson) and his seismologist fiance Katherine (Kayla Fields)?

The answers are all yes and here I am, watching another Tubi original as the palaces burn.

You know, the CGI in this -- The Asylum made it, so you know what you're in for -- is so strange. Even though the landmarks of Washington D. C. are destroyed, traffic keeps on going past. Well, have you been in the traffic in that city? That part is, I guess, somewhat true to life because it's always congested all the time, no matter how much damage an earthquake can emit.

My favorite character in this was General Harris (Taylor Woodberry), whose suit doesn't even get creased as he defends the free world and just so happens to have a search and rescue/combat engineer on his contacts list, much less one whose pregnant soon-to-be wife knows how to do dispersal theory to quite literally flood an earthquake and shut it down.

Geoff Meed is like a Tubi superstar, writing and acting in this, Butch vs. Sundance and Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch all within a month or less. He started his career in the Universal Studios Hollywood Tour, where he worked in the Wild West Stunt Show, The Adventures of Conan and The Miami Vice Action Spectacular. A 5th degree Black Belt Master in Kempo, a 3rd degree black belt in Hap Ki Do and also the owner of black belts in Tae Kwon Do and karate, Meed went into stunt work, which nearly ended his life in 2012. On the second day of shooting Shadow on the Mesa, he was thrown off his horse and trampled, which led to eight broken left ribs, a busted sternum, a lacerated liver and the need to insert three titanium plates to repair the damage done to his face. That became a workers' comp lawsuit and he retired from stunt work -- he'd need four more surgeries to repair all the damage -- and Geoff moved to Texas to start his own fitness and martial arts studio. Four years later, he came back to Los Angeles and got back into stunt and acting work. It's amazing that he was in two more Westerns after that accident.
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