Past Lives (2023)
I honestly can't tell how I feel about this film (which I guess means I didn't like it)
26 June 2023
I saw the trailer to "Past Lives" before a showing of "Master Gardener," and immediately knew I wanted to see it. I have an affinity for Asian cinema, but more than that, the concept of past lovers reconnecting after decades made for an intriguing premise, one that I had to see unfold on the big screen. And after seeing it unfold (on the big screen), I honestly can't tell how I feel about "Past Lives," which, I guess, means it left me feeling kind of cold.

With so many people gushing over this movie, the fact that I fail to see what others are seeing has made me somewhat uncomfortable. I'd have loved to witness the "pitch-perfect romance" that critics say "Past Lives" contains. I wish I managed to see the "first great film of the year"; instead, I watched a perfectly watchable film, but one that didn't leave much of an imprint on me. "Past Lives" is less a romance and more a dramatic exploration of what could have been. And while that seems like it could be interesting, the unlikeable character of Nora, played by Greta Lee, and the distinctly unromantic and uncomfortable story progression made for a decidedly cringy experience. So, let's start with Nora.

Greta Lee is a great actress - there is no doubt about that. The thing is that her character, Nora, is extremely unlikable and unsympathetic. Throughout the course of the entire film she makes mean, borderline cruel choices that put others through the emotional ringer. This left me entirely unsympathetic to her romantic plight - however, I did enjoy Teo Yoo's portrayal as Hae Sung, and especially John Magaro's character of Arthur; both of them play entirely believable and relatable characters who become caught up in situations either of their own doing or of someone else's.

As I mentioned, "Past Lives" is also remarkably unromantic. Instead of seeing two people fall in love against all odds, you'll witness a bizarre sort of reconnection with a third-wheel that is obviously against everything that's occurring. It's not romantic - purposefully so, I think - but it's also not very fun to watch, which might be the point, but still. The whole "will they, won't they" scenario begins to fall short as you'll begin to realize that you don't care whether they will or they won't because of how awkward the entire scenario is. And with an ending that feels more of a fizzle than a bang, when the credits rolled I couldn't help but feel empty. "That's life," the movie seems to say, hoping you simply accept what it's showing you.

The more I think about this film, the less I like it, which sucks because I really wanted to like it. Call me a romantic, but I was hoping for a more straightforward love story, and what I got was something that was awkward, uncomfortable, and un-enjoyable.
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