I love Eve Arden and seeing her as the lead in this wholesome comedy was wonderful.
11 July 2023
One of my favorite scenes in this film is between Eve Arden who plays Miss Constance Brooks and her soon to be landlady Mrs. Davis, almost as good as the 'Who's on first' bit. I especially liked that her cat, Minerva, also had to approve. Miss Brooks is new to town and has been employed to teach English at Madison High School. Student Stretch Snodgrass, aka Fabian, gives her a tour which is where she first meets fellow teacher of Biology (Phillip Boynton), who she starts dating. Unfortunately, Phil's idea of a date is peanuts at the zoo...it's a long game, but she is hoping to eventually see him with her in a cute little cottage with a white picket fence.

"Well, ours wasn't the fastest romance on record, but it didn't take any time at all to prove itself one of the slowest."-Miss Brooks

Their military like principal, Mr. Osgood Conklin, is not well liked amongst the staff or the students...so when he decides to run for office of coordinator of education, he figures out a way to have the popular Miss Brooks be his Campaign Manager. Miss Brooks isn't thrilled, until she realizes that him vacating the position would create an opening which would come with a promotion with more money for her love interest the biology teacher Phil. Her selling point to the students...get rid of Mr. Conklin! Campaign slogan "Get Mr. Conklin into public office and out of Madison!"...it's one everyone can get behind.

Miss Brooks has a side project teaching the son of a wealthy newspaper tycoon Lawrence Nolan, played by Don Porter, who becomes a romantic rival for our biology teacher Phil!

Fun and wholesome high school comedy whose biggest selling point is that it stars Eve Arden, who I really enjoyed seeing in a starring role. Eve Arden is so often relegated to the best friend or sidekick role...but no one delivers a snappy-line like she does (especially in films such as Mildred Pierce). Both a fun vintage film and a family friendly one that has me recommending it to both families and fans of Eve Arden!
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