Lots of adventure, lots of fun.
15 July 2023
Tough and brave Lancelot fights his way to a place in Arthur's Court, becoming a Knight of The Round Table. Sir Lancelot of The Lake battles rogue kings, vikings, doppelgangers and saves many a damsel in distress.

William Russell shines as Sir Lancelot, just a few years before he'd become known to millions of fans in Doctor Who, he started as Sir Lancelot. Handsome, brave, fearless and true, there is no challenge the brave knight won't take on.

Solid stories, solid acting, an adventure series from the 1950's, it rivals, but isn't perhaps as good as The Robin Hood series, but it's definitely watchable.

It has appeal to viewers young and old, sword fights and action sequences aplenty, plus some wry humour. Some of the fight sequences look dodgy at best, sometimes they turned out well.

The costumes, though perhaps not accurate, looked splendid. I liked the location work also, considering they made this on a small budget, they did a fine job.

When it switches to colour, it looks and feels so very different, I understand it was done for The US market, most of them are in black and white however.

Episode quality does vary, the best of the lot for me, Sir Crustsbread, it's hilarious, and features some very strong characters, Lancelot really does meet his match.

A real shame that only one series was made, I think it improved as time went on, more would have been nice.

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