Hogwarts Legacy (2023 Video Game)
ill just point to pros and cons
26 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Overal : GREAT this is how it felt to me :

  • too many spiders (i used a mod that turned spiders into burgers and it was the only solution for me)

  • when you do outstanding accomplishments such as taking on entire camp alone and kill scores of enemies, rescue phoenix , do merlin trials , and so on, the world and npcs do NOT recognize these feats , if you ride with graphorn to your "magical beasts teacher" she wont comment on it or anything... or if you are wearing the mythical house robes or whatever... nothing.

  • not really in depth choice/consequence like other rpg games ... infact most of the time you dont even get a dialogue option... and you forcefully say something that doesnt go with your character.

  • enforced races and friendships and enemies... this goes under the previous one i mentioned.

  • too short for such an awesome world... the main story is really short and straightforward. It doesnt have any other endings either.

  • i feel it was too demanding specially on ram ! I had to modify so many things just to make it stop crashing !

  • forced benchmark for each start.

  • no replayablity (because you dont get dialogue options to really make any other ending really THAT different) compared to games like pathfinder kingmaker/ dragon age / divinity

  • not able to do more activities despite having such a detailed world ready in your disposal... it feels such a missed opportunity

-people dont know the difference if you use dark arts and break their locks or wear costumes that have skulls on them etc (ive mentioned similar issue few lines above)

  • fights are fun BUT, its not really rewarding , if you kill 1 vs 40 enemies all alone, theres not really any recognition by people or your companions or any rewards etc ...

  • gorgeous world
  • awesome controls
  • tons of different puzzles , its like a dream
  • interactive spell learning and lock opening
  • the world and plants around you are alive
  • character creation
  • lots of costumes
  • awesome ability to wear something but have its appearance look something else
  • lovely fluid broom flying and climbing
  • fights are really really fun
  • animals and beasts are awesome, pitty you cant pet them all except cats.
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