Prehysteria! (1993)
Why is the dad such a jerk?
31 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching this movie as a kid and loving it. Watching it again, I can understand why; I mean, there's a tiny t-rex dancing to a bad Elvis impersonation at one point, and that's charming as all heck. The puppet effects aren't bad for a low-budget early 90s movie. The dialogue is pretty cringey, but it's a kid's movie, so you kind of have to overlook that. My biggest complaint watching it as an adult is what an unmitigated douchebag the dad is. He responds to EVERYTHING with yelling, steals the keys of the woman he's flirting with, kind of threatens to have their dog killed, holds a baby t-rex by its neck like a turkey it's intending to butcher. He treats his kids like they're inconveniences he just has to put up with, he's got a hair-trigger temper, and his "flirting" style is creepy and stalkerish. Why the nice lady he's flirting it wants anything to do with him is a bigger mystery than how these dinosaurs survived. He's just an all-around tool. I spent most of the movie hoping the t-rex would bite him in the nads, 'cause he deserves it. In summary, dinosarus = good, douchey stalker dad = bad.
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