The entire premise was absurd from the get go
14 August 2023
(1970) Sabata the Killer/ Arriva Sabata... DUBBED SPAGHETTI WESTERN COMEDY/ ACTION DRAMA

Co-written and directed by Tulio Demicheli with the entire premise was dumb to begin with that has two bank robbers of Sabata (Anthony Steffen) and Mangosta (Eduardo Fajardo) successfully robbing the town bank of less than a few hundred dollars, who manage to get away from their jalopy. Only to find out from the very next day upon looking at the daily newspaper that the bank was supposed to be carrying $5,000, and concluded that the young bank teller/ clerk, Peter (Peter Lee Lawrence) may have taken it as soon as he saw Mangosta come into the bank. And by the time they come up to him, it was to pay off his gambling debt to an owner, Garfield (Alfredo Mayo), who also happens to be a sheriff as well.

It was absurd even from the first 10 minutes when both Sabata and Mangosta are attempting to escape by driving away by using a jalopy, which the posse riding horses give up chase after they drove out of town. The entire scenario is dumb because even if this jalopy is faster than the average posse's on horseback it would still leave tracks on the sandy road, and on the gravel, for them to follow. And they do not even ride so well on top of rocky deserts either unless the ground is very smooth.
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