Flat...Star-Sprinkled TV-Movie...No New Insights...Anthony Hopkins "Emmy"...Slightly Above Average
18 August 2023
Full of Familiar Faces that Don't Do Much to Raise this Above Another Look-Back at the Infamous "Celebrity" Murder/Kidnapping Trial of the "Lindbergh Baby" with the Accused "Bruno Richard Hauptman" (Anthony Hopkins), a German Immigrant.

Although Hopkins is Excellent, His Screen-Time is Very Limited and He is More of a Supporting Actor even though He Won the Emmy for a Prime-Time Lead.

It's a Rather Dull Affair, because first of all, Most Folks Know the Complete Story, and this Version of the Events Shows Nothing New, is a Bit Flat All Around.

It Goes to Great Pains to Translate the Ridiculous, Riotous Rigamarole that Became Known as the "Cult of Celebrity".

With Mobs on the Street Chanting and Selling Souvenirs (like little ladders with the Baby's face glued on...just $1.00), and Along with the "Scopes 'Monkey' Trial" Showcased just How-Low People, when Mobbed-Up, Could Behave.

Joseph Cotton Makes an Impression as the Flamboyant "Condon", a Citizen who just Wants to "Help" and Gets Caught-Up in the Eye of the Hurricane.

None of the Other Name Actors Contribute Much, and Perhaps Worst of All Cliff De Young and Sian Barbara Allen as Charles and Mrs. Lindbergh are Non-Entities and Seem Almost Vacant to the Proceedings.

If You Don't Know the Story, it's...

Worth a Watch

If You are Familiar with it All, the 2 and a Half Hours is a Waste of Time.
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