So bad it's pretty good.
23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a lifelong Trekkie, I'd seen some other Star Trek based stuff floating around and it was always unwatchable. However, this was mentioned on the Delta Flyers podcast and it intrigued me because it was directed by Tuvok and 'starred' Kim ... along with a whole host of other famous Star Trek alumni from the past (and the very past).

Having watched it now, it's ... well ... let's say not great, but above average. Pretty good.

The story has promise but lets itself down - for example, I struggled a bit with the alternate timeline story and what exactly Chekov was up to with his team of renegades. Also, the direction was very amateur, I think - with lots of weird hand-held shots and close-ups.

The sets, costumes and effects were all surprisingly good though. And it was genuinely really nice to spot all the old cast members and guest stars. That easily gives it an added 10 marks. :)

Also liked the blooper reel at the end. Why don't all films do that...?

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