Good Story, Great Title Tune
5 September 2023
Steve Darrell is found guilty of murder and sentenced to prison, though he claims it was self-defense. County Attorney Roy Gordon's investigators, Gene Autry and Pat Buttram find out the hard way when Darrell's daughter, Gloria Henry, chucks stuff at Gene in the mistaken belief he's Gordon. Autry doesn't care. He's inherited $16,000, and he and Buttram have quit to go buy a ranch, following Miss Henry to the town where her father's ranch used to be. Now she's a real estate agent, and everything in the town is controlled by Robert Livingston. He wants Autry's money, too, but is it going to be so easy to take it?

There's some good atmosphere in this movie, even if it's shoehorned in by having Autry sing "Ghost Riders in the Sky" three times, have someone hum it, and dying Tom London talk about the legend that inspired it. Gene also sings "Streets of Laredo" and another song, but the production money is in having a chorus back Gene in the title song and running it through the reverb.

London was one of those Gower Gulch cowboys with more than 600 screen appearances to his credit, although usually it was just as a background character, often a barfly; he was a comic sidekick to Sunset Carson for a while. He died in 1963 at the age of 74.
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