History repeats itself
9 September 2023
A really strong short with strong parallels and human history.

This is as always a great short to watch. The Animatrix is no doubt a mixed bag, but I think most can agree on, this is one of the better once. With an interesting story, strong imagery and art style this tells the tails of the rise of the machines, making parallels to human history and a warning that history could repeat itself that only feels more and more relevant with time.

Humans have developed robots to do their bedding, but AI learns to think, and starts asking questions about the world it´s in.

The animation can seem a bit stocky at times, but it´s rather beautiful with subtle art style changes that makes special imagery stand even more out.

The story is rather basic but told well. The parallels to earlier human history is strong and creates a strong story about a subject we might need to think about in our lifetime.

The usage of AI robots are paralleled with human atrocities throughout time. Slavery, genocide, dehumanization, racism, xenophobia and the list goes on.

The voice over is rather pleasant and tells the story in a good tempo. The story feels logical in it´s steps towards it´s ending. The different escalation and evolutions of the situations feel like natural continuations of each other.

The Second renaissance part 1 is a strong short mostly weighted down by it not being a complete story. True, you could see the second part as a natural extension and judge them as a whole, but looking at it by just itself, it ends on a rather weird note that doesn't lead naturally to a part 2.
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