Tragic and true
19 September 2023
(1931) The Sin of Madelon Claudet DRAMA/ SOCIAL COMMENTARY

Helen Hayes deservedly won an Oscar which could've been controversial if made today from a play written by Edward Knoblock, but upon watching it, is like a book written for adults- almost in the same tradition as other prostitute films of similar nature. Straight forward story centering on a well intended girl who seems to have made some bad choices leading to some serious bad luck with a goal to see that her fatherless only child would get nothing but the best who would even sell herself just so her son would get the best education money can buy. It's amazing how relevant this film is when a lot of what this film has shown is still happening today, such as leaving a family who doesn't approve of a boyfriend for the purpose of love resulting it to be a bad move! Despite it's running time of less than an hour and a half - it's still quite effective - tragic and very true.
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