No One Lives (2012)
A fantastic, mishmashed mess
23 September 2023
Most movies follow well worn conventions, becoming rather predictable. This is unlike any other movie I've seen, following few typical formulas.

It's difficult to describe, at heart a revenge thriller, though one could debate who's getting revenge on who. It's First Blood (1982) meets Home Alone (1990) meets Saw (2004-2023). Sound like storylines that have nothing to do with each other? Exactly.

In many ways, the story doesn't know what it wants to be. The dialogue rings painfully false, the characters' motivations are (intentionally?) indiscernible, the plot feels like it could head in any direction equally believably. The violence ranges from action shoot up to over-the-top brutality. The nudity is obligatory and gratuitous yet mostly glancing and implied. The story adheres to the movie's title yet betrays it.

It's ultimately not all that original yet intriguingly unpredictable. I say see it, not because it's really good, but because it cleverly keeps the viewer guessing what's going on and how it will all unfurl.
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