Establishing a system and a team really requires leadership and guardianship of values.
7 October 2023
A super, super realistic movie portraying human psychology in society. If you judge it solely from the trailer, you might mistake it for a disaster film, but what I appreciate more is how the director, through the character played by Lee Byung-hun, perfectly illustrates the dynamics of human societal systems. Of course, the disaster in this film, within the context of this single refuge, highlights how scarcity forces people to reconsider their self-interest and survival. Lee Byung-hun's portrayal reflects the desperation of individuals in the face of limited choices, always hoping for a leader to establish a system aligned with their interests. However, it often happens that in the midst of conflicting interests, they forget their initial intentions and, in the process, destroy the bigger picture. It's really thought-provoking - in times of chaos, heroes emerge, but these heroes might also be the ones betrayed at any moment. Quite ironic, isn't it?
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