Final Exit (1995 Video)
Finally, a movie on Christian eschatology that addresses the tough questions
9 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Having watched a number of films that attempt to take on this topic, I usually find those efforts to be insufficient; typically, Biblical concepts are taken as a given, without being examined or expanded upon. People end up confused on why certain characters receive a fate they deem unjust.

This is one of the rare times where the skeptic gets a voice. Some of the most frequent objections to the doctrine of Hell take centre stage. The filmmakers don't shy away from them. An uncompromising look (at one point, a murder victim is seen in torment, while her murderer will be redeemed); I can see disturbs some of the other reviewers. The conventional ideas of Heaven and Hell (good people go to one, where bad go to the other) are still widely held today.

Some have complained this is an unChristian view, but it actually isn't. While there is no explicit example in the Bible like is shown in the movie; it is true that certain characters (Moses, David, Paul) committed vile acts, but were considered righteous by the demonstration of their faith. Where the self-righteous (ex. Pharisees of the New Testament) were judged most harshly.

I don't expect this to be the norm (in other places of the Bible, it is made quite clear that murderers will be held accountable before God). But it is true that the only route to Heaven is by the grace of God. We can only accept it. Some, or even many we deem unworthy today, will be saved.

The experiences of the four characters, their rationalizations and their reactions, may well be shared by many when their time of judgement comes.
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