John Howard just does not make a good Bulldog.
17 October 2023
It looks like Capt. Hugh Chesterton 'Bulldog' Drummond (John Howard) is getting married to Phyllis (Louise Campbell) and giving up the detecting racket. He almost loses the wedding rings, but with a little ingenuity and a stick of American gum, they are retrieved. A lot of good that does him as it turns out a scientist is missing along with an extraordinary explosive formula. The only Bulldog finds out the hard way with a severed arm containing a familiar ring. Col. J. A. Nielson (John Barrymore) of Scotland Yard wants to know how Bulldog fits in the situation.

Yes, this is a formula spy story with a Bulldog Drummond overlay. Based on the novel "The Return of Bulldog Drummond."
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