Review of I Am Autism

I Am Autism (2009)
"Autism Speaks" Does NOT "speak" for us!
22 October 2023
If you ever wondered what the issue with Autism Speaks is and why the autistic community doesn't like them, look no further! This ad represents every issue they've caused.

They spread misinformation like the plague. They act like Autism is this horrifying disease. They act like autistic people can't do anything by or for themselves. The way this ad treats autism like it's worse than cancer and hurts your family is just asinine!

Even their logo is misinformation. They claim that autistic people have a piece missing, which is just wrong.

I myself am Autistic. I found out a few years ago and finally got diagnosed last month. Let me explain what Autism really is.

It makes us not want to make eye contact and makes small talk difficult. OOOOOHHHH! SCARY!!!!

We can't tune out noises and get overwhelmed in noisy environments. HORRIFYING!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!

We have certain sensory issues and don't like the feeling of certain objects and fabrics. MY MARRIAGE!!!

We have difficulty reading people's faces and understanding something that they are hinting at, so we sometimes say or do the wrong thing! I THINK I'M DYING!!!

We get stuck on certain topics and focus on them to the point of hyperfixation. OH DEAR GOD, NO!!!!

Do you get it yet? It's not that scary. Sure, having autism comes with some issues here and there, especially for those who are non-verbal with high support needs. But not NEARLY to the horrifying extent that this ad and all of Autism Speaks makes it out to be.

Autism is NOT an illness! We are NOT broken. Just different.

Now, if you want people to come together to help families with autistic children with high support needs, we're all for it. But not like this! Not Autism speaks.

NEVER Autism Speaks!
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