Chiller Theater
24 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Director and writer John Farris had three of his books made into movies: Because They're Young, When Michael Calls and The Fury.

In 1943, a pregnant Luddy Dublin (Patricia Carmichael) murdered her mother with an axe. When she gets out of jail years later, she's walking through a college when she's knocked over by Richard (Robert Gentry) as he plays football. His wife Ellen (Elizabeth Eis) is a nurse and invites her to heal at their plantation home where they live with her elderly aunt Delilah (Agnes Moorehead).

As you can imagine, rich people have wild problems. Ellen finds out that Luddy killed her mother and holds it over her head while everyone wants to get at Delilah's money. Richard is also cheating on her with Grace Charles (Anne Meachum), Delilah's brother Doctor Alonzo Charles (Dennis Patrick) is a heroin addict and oh yeah, people start getting killed, starting with family attorney Roy (Will Greer) as Luddy finds an axe in her bed and wanders outside where she finds his body, which makes it seem like she killed him. Morgan (Michael Ansara) and his girlfriend Buffy (Ruth Baker) are next and Delilah soon goes missing.

Grace decides to roll around in Delilah's wheelchair and gets her head cut off with Richard revealing himself as the killer. Working with Ellen, they've found the rumored money buried on the property and are taking care of everyone else in the family, starting by overdosing Alonzo. They make love to celebrate and Richard killss her. He plans on making it seem like Luddy did it. But not everyone is as dead as they appear.

Shot in Nashville, Tennessee - which is the home of producer "Cowboy" Jack Clement, the writer of "Ballad of a Teenager Queen" and "Guess Things Happen That Way." He also discovered and recorded Jerry Lee Lewis. This was the only movie that he produced and its a weird piece of psychobiddy exploitation.

It's also a gory soap opera mixed with regional horror. There's not much else like it, a dialogue heavy trip through the strange world of a wealthy family. Everyone is going for it with their performances and I ended up loving every minute of it.

This is one of the Nightmare Theater movies. That collection of movies also has Damiano Damiani's The Witch, José Antonio Nieves Conde's Marta, Raúl Artigot's The Witches Mountain, José María Zabalza's The Fury of the Wolfman, Mario Bava's Hatchet for the Honeymoon, Peter Sadsy's Doomwatch, Francisco Lara Polop's Murder Mansion, Carlos Aured's Horror Rises from the Tomb and The Mummy's Revenge, Joe D'Amato's Death Smiles on a Murderer, Claudio Guerí's The Bell from Hell and Amando de Ossorio's The Night of the Sorcerers. They all aired on Chiller Theater. I'm obsessed by each of them.
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