The only demonic possession film worth watching in 2023
27 October 2023
This movie was insane!

After being legitimately scared watching Runga's previous film Atterados, I knew that his follow up would up the ante and be even more brutal without shying away from what other directors wouldn't even attempt to show, but even I was shocked at the brutality shown in this film. I mean, was it too much? Some of the scenes were jaw dropping. I've honestly never seen some of the stuff shown in this movie EVER in my 30+ years as a fan of horror movies, and I hope they go over well with the majority of the audience as this new bar that was set and raised simultaneously is extremely high.

If you think this a run of the mill demonic possession film, you would be sorely mistaken. There are no catholic priests or churches, no crosses or holy water, no head spinning or contortions (there is a little pea soup, but that's just because it's the easiest thing to feed someone who is comatose). There are no catholic demonic possession tropes to be found in this film, which is a HUGE breath of fresh air for one of the stalest subgenres in horror. It's a movie about demons possessing people like a virus, and they have their own set of rules as to how they are dealt with, and a very specific way of expelling them. Honestly, it's this type of fresh and novel approach to film making that makes Runga a standout where other movies seemed to fail so miserably (I'm looking at you, Exorcist; Believer). If more writers/directors took the time to take horror staples and twist them to make an original and unique creation, we would have a more vibrant and rich selection of horror movies.

The standout of this film aside from the superb acting and the terrifying score, was the carnage and gore (as in, the use of practical special effects over CGI). It all looked so REAL. That scene with the dog was absolutely monstrous, and I shook my head in disbelief that anyone would have the gonads to show something that intense in a film. The movie rarely lets up, and you will be treated to jaw drop after jaw drop. Really, it's a spectacle, and one that is best shared with others just to see and hear their reactions.

Overall, I couldn't recommend this film more if I tried. It's beautifully shot, well acted, the horror is intense and gore hounds will be pleased. It's original, it's fresh, it's dread induced as all get out. It's just a treat of a horror film and I urge anyone who loves the genre to see this movie. It deserves all of the success it will undoubtedly receive.
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