Thought I didn't love it, then I realized my heart ached
5 November 2023
At first, I thought this movie was a time stretch...meaning it would've been a perfect tale for an anthology TV show but felt too stretched out to meet a standard movie length. But! Then I realized that it had effectively latched itself to my heart and made it ache for these characters. Well played! I very much appreciated that they didn't leave the story in space. I get that it's a whole vibe to leave movies on an open-ended note, but I prefer a nearly wrapped up bow. Call me unsophisticated, but I'm a sucker for a full love story. I also commend the team for managing to make a low-budget space movie that felt better than if it was done with and endless budget. The cutesy space stuff worked for me, it made it more endearing. Thoroughly enjoyed this movie.
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