A mighty adventure
13 November 2023
This movie follows the pups on another adventure. It's a great story that shows and teaches about friendship, adventure, loyalty, loss and much more.

Firstly I have to say the animation of the movie is beautiful. The colours are bright and vibrant when the pups are on screen but shift to darker tones when the villain is presented on screen. All this combined makes for a smooth animation style.

The movie follows not only the main story but also side stores of the pups and some of the difficulties they face. This makes them very relatable, especially for the kids as they may even face the same problem like feeling left out or like they are growing slower than other kids. It's a great way to see how the pups deal with the situation and apply that to there own life.

The movie has a heavy focus on some insecurities and even shows how valuable and selfish we can be without meaning too. The movie does a good job of showing how to learn from your mistakes.

It's a fun movie for the whole family. It allows you to relax and just watch along with the adventure.
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