Review of Wish

Wish (II) (2023)
Better than people are saying it is!
22 November 2023
Disney's newest feature animated film celebrates their 100th-year anniversary! A lot of people have been criticizing this movie upon its release, saying it's overly generic and not as original as hoped for in celebrating 100 years of the Walt Disney Company. However, I think it's very good! Yes, there are some cookie-cutter and generic elements in the film, but it's not entirely a carbon copy of previous Disney films.

The antagonist in this movie is revealed rather quickly; even from the very beginning, you know who the bad guy is and have a sense of how it will unfold. But I wouldn't say it's entirely unoriginal, as I've been hearing from many people. True, there are typical Disney songs with castles, kings, queens, and people making wishes upon a star, but I believe people have been overly critical due to recent disappointments with how the company has been managing things.

Yes, I agree Disney hasn't been doing so well lately, but I don't think this movie is a bad addition to their tremendously successful catalog. I believe this movie truly holds the essence of emphasizing the importance of having wishes in your life but, more importantly, taking the necessary steps for your dreams to come true.

There's been a lot of discussion about Disney's increased diversity in their cast nowadays, but I think it was a good fit for the new film. There were parts of this movie that honestly made me very emotional and pleased with its meaning and message because I've struggled in life to keep my dreams alive and well.

Sure, there are talking animals and other Disney-esque elements thrown in, but the movie's meaning is what truly matters, and I think that's what people have been forgetting. I highly recommend people see this movie and not heed all the negativity. It's a good, clean, wholesome, and emotional family film that kids and everyone will enjoy, with meaningful and important messages about being honest with your dreams and never giving up on what you truly wish to become and more! Definitely check it out this holiday season!
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