Review of Leo

Leo (I) (2023)
We all need someone to talk to.
25 November 2023
'Leo' is a film with a message. It cleverly introduces us to very different characters to convey powerful messages about different members of our society. Being an animated film and aimed at a young demographic, 'Leo' can almost serve as an educational video to youngsters - and they will be thoroughly entertained at the same time. In the process, they will learn about insecurity, vanity, and various misconceptions kids might have about life.

Leo is a lizard, who has been living in captivity for 74 years. Erm, correction, he's been the class pet since 1949 and lives in a glass cabinet in a classroom, with his best friend Squirtle the turtle. With their beloved teacher going on maternity leave, the class now faces a strict, elderly substitute teacher, Mrs Malkin. In order to teach them responsibility, she suggests a pupil takes home one of the class pets for a weekend to care for them.

And so the kids in turn take home Leo, who turns out to be a talking lizard. To each kid, Leo tells them they are the only one able to hear him, and in the process he has a profound impact on their lives as he gives them advise on their personal dilemmas. My favourite character was Eli, a kid with over-protective parents who has a drone to look after him. The drone itself was a delightful and funny character.

With many scenes being very cartoonish and a bit silly, this film is definitely more for kids. Having said that, it is still a film adults will enjoy, too, and there are indeed many very funny moments. Towards the end it also becomes an action-packed adventure.

The only thing I didn't like about the movie, was all the constant singing. Ever since the huge success of 'Frozen', so many animated movies since features musical segments. It's like found footage movies that overstayed its welcome. I get it, young kids like so sing or hum to a catchy melody when they watch cartoons, but I found it a little annoying. Oh, go on, call me a grump if you must...

In general, 'Leo' is an enjoyable film, and yes, I definitely enjoyed it.
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