Not enough Scattergood...too much big city.
30 November 2023
"Scattergood Meets Broadway" is the third of five Scattergood Baines movies made by RKO and starring Guy Kibbee. So far, I have enjoyed the first two movies quite a bit...but this third one isn't up to the standards of the previous two. Now I am not saying it's bad...but it is a disappointment.

All the previous Scattergood movies are set in the small town where he is a leading citizen. However, most of this one is set in New York City AND the story is mostly different from the previous films as well. In fact, it's like Scattergood in name only.

The story finds that a citizen in Scattergood's town has gone to New York to make good writing plays. However, he's had no luck and despite letters back home telling his family how good things are, Scattergood suspects otherwise and travels to the big city. There he finds that some grifters have just offered to put on the guy's play...but they are cons and Scattergood isn't as stupid as they think he is! What's next? See the film.

As I talked about above, the formula for the film is quite different...and I didn't like that change. Scattergood is a secondary character and the change in setting and style really don't work IF you loved the previous films. If you've never seen them, then "Scattergood Meets Broadway" will likely seem better. Overall, a watchable film with some good moments but the film is a definite step down from the previous ones as well.
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