A weird sort of Western
12 December 2023
The eclectic blend of genres listed (war, action, comedy, drama, romance, adventure) intrigued me, as did the fact that this has been referred to as an "Eastern" (so a Western but set/made in Russia). I guess it also has the same kind of offbeat energy that many spaghetti westerns have, but obviously Russian instead of Italian.

That's all to say The White Sun of the Desert is an interesting watch, and as far as other compliments go, it does look pretty great throughout, and all the places they shot this movie at are visually interesting.

But it could be a cultural thing (or me being tired) but I found it crazy hard to follow, and I don't think much of the humour cleared the language barrier (I can only guess at what parts are supposed to be funny, outside some broad and whacky physical comedy).

I do like venturing out and giving these sorts of unusual and underseen films a shot every now and then. At best, you get a new favourite you can rant about to family and friends, probably making them uncomfortable in the process (BUT THAT'S THEIR PROBLEM), and at worst, you get something confusing but kind of neat and admirable. The White Sun of the Desert was confusing but also kind of neat and admirable.
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