Italian Peplum Movie with Gordon MITCHELL and Tony KENDALL
13 December 2023
Italian peplum film about the "Gaul catastrophe" with Gordon Mitchell and Tony Kendall

This film by Giacomo Gentilomo takes place in 387 BC. The city of Rome is threatened by various Celtic tribes led by the Gaul Brenno (Gordon Mitchell, 1923-2003), who acts with unrestrained brutality. Under the leadership of the still young Quintus Fabius (Tony Kendall, 1936-2009), the shocked Romans defend themselves against the impending defeat. Of course, love in the form of the beautiful Nissia (Ursula Davis) is not neglected either.

This sword and sandal film from the late phase of the genre is definitely a pleasant surprise. The plot focuses on the conflict on the Tiber tributary Allia between the Celts and the Romans, which was described by the Roman historian Livy as the "unfortunate day" (dies ater). This event went down in the collective memory of the Romans as the "Gaul catastrophe", and from then on they did not allow their city to be plundered for 800 years. Massimo Serato (1916-1989), the partner of Oscar winner Anna Magnani for several years, and the Greek-born Vassili Karis (*1938) can be seen in other roles.

Produced by Luigi Mondello from a screenplay by Adriano Bolzoni and Arpad DeRiso, this work impresses with great battle scenes (with a surprising number of extras) and an absolutely nasty villain. With his impressive physicality, Gordon Mitchell creates a frightening villain and that alone elevates this sandal film above the genre average. The muscle-bound Peplum star has rightly remained successful as an actor in other genres over the decades.

In contrast, the Italian Cinecitta Divo Tony Kendall still seems a bit too young (and inexperienced) for his leading role as a good antagonist. His big time came a few years later as a woman-eating private detective in the "KOMMISSAR X" films with Brad Harris.

Interesting and successful historical excursion into the early years of the Roman world power!
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