Ignore the Reviewers With ADD
25 December 2023
Almost every bad review comes from someone expecting another Transformers or superhero fight film instead of actual sci fi.

This is a remake of The World The Flesh and The Devil, a great early sci fi from the 50s. And like the original, it's low budget and more of a character study with disturbing implications about society now, pre apocalypse.

In the original, the white woman simply can't be with a Blackman. Even after the end of the world, it just isn't done, is completely forbidden. In this film, the divide and the taboos are as much based on class, education, and religion as on race.

So don't let bad reviews from those demanding explosions and gore, or better yet exploding gore, or they find it "boring," deter you. If you want good script, dialog, intelligence, and a story heavy on Biblical symbolism, this is it. And I'll bet the whining reviewers were too dense to even catch the heavy Christian symbolism.
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