The maddening scent of a woman
29 December 2023
I'm going to be honest... I'm a little bit confused by the current 7.5 rating for this movie. Now, while I did enjoy it and was entertained, I didn't think it was anywhere close to an 8, let alone a 7.

As the movie was finishing, I found myself asking, well, what was the point? It almost felt like it had this façade of some deep, underlying artsy message but in actuality it just wasn't really about anything. I think the storyline got a little diluted because of its immense length. I didn't see there being any real reason for this movie to be 2 1/2 hours long.

I thought this movie was going to have a little bit more of a horror/thriller aspect to it, but it was mostly a kind of fantasy crime drama with very light sprinkles of horror/thriller. The acting all around was excellent and aesthetically the movie looks beautiful and has great editing.

I think my biggest issue with this movie is it didn't feel like it really latched onto anything in particular. If it was going fantasy since it progressed into the absurdity towards the end, then I wanted more fanciful aspects throughout. If it was going crime drama I wanted more of that general thrill and excitement. If we were going horror, I wanted to bump up that grungy, atmospheric creep factor that was already present. It just didn't feel like it really committed to any of these. It was still an above average experience and definitely felt like one of a kind... but I don't know if that is 100% positive in this sense. 5.5 rounding up to a six, would recommend.
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