Into the Deep (2020)
Evil in Plain Sight
31 December 2023
I was broadly familiar with this murder, having been aware of it at the time it occurred. I wasn't aware of this documentary but someone mentioned it was on Netflix and worth watching, so I did.

Its an amazing coincidence (or not? - when did he know he would commit a crime, was he leaving easter eggs for the audience - it is weird) that there was a film crew in tow following Madsen right up until the day of the murder.

It was good in the sense that it showed how creepy Madsen was, hiding in plain sight, basically telling people what he was and what he was going to do, and no one noticed. It also showed the impact of his crime on all his interns and collaborators, who had recognised he was eccentric but had trust in him in terms of delivery of their project.

I understand that some of the people in the film were not happy about the final product and some voices and faces may have been changed using AI. I am really confused about that, the woman whose face is supposedly different just looks like she has a soft filter on, so I am not sure if her face is completely different or that slight blurriness is the effect. I'd actually be half tempted to google her to find out what she looks like to understand the nature of the special effect they have used, which probably defeats the object of them altering her appearance.

What was lacking was information about Kim Wall, there was barely anything, not even really proper photos, she is the victim, I would like to know a bit more about her. Also we never saw what the inside of the submarine was like.

Also, though some might not agree, for completion, I would like to know what they think happened on that submarine, a timeline of events, but there was nothing. He clearly just planned to get any female on there and kill them, and he basically told the girl who may have been his intended victim, that he had a plan, I would like to know, what happened. Did he drug her to incapacitate her? I don't know and when it comes to keeping safe from evil, it is useful to understand their methods. The actual event was not much of a feature of this documentary, it was just before and then briefly after and some reporting of the court case.

I feel like this documentary prompts more questions than it answers for a viewer who broadly knew of the murder but doesn't know all the details.
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