Most Avoidable - In any Horror movie:
6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'd like to start by addressing the absolutely amazing take on possession and the stunning gore visuals and shock factor - the practical effects are amazing.

The entire concept of possessed people recognised by the government to the point where u have specialised people to hand dispensing them and systems and protocols to prevent possession growth and dear is great. The cliff hanger of what happens now ? With the birth of a demon - is amazing. Loved it - left me wanting so much more.

Problems - I have never ever in my entire life apart from a possible of handful of movies that have had the most avoidable deaths and evil ending ever. Number 1 being that scene from King Kong where one of the soldiers walks up to the monster clutching grenades in his hand in order to save his friends - gets launched a mile a away and explodes on a cliff. Lol

This film had back to back just avoidable death after avoidable death - I sat there jaw dropped - it felt like the characters actions were almost entirely mutually independent, i.e regardless of what has previously happened they simply do not learn anything ...... at all......ever.... Like I know they're meant to be farmers, but they're not stupid. You'd think that after finding out that after you moved a possessed puss sack that your friend and his pregnant wife is dead - that something is most probably happening. You'd think that after watching ur ex wife and her new child getting destroyed by a 4x4 you'd start listening to the literal demon slayer ? You'd think that you'd listen to anyone ever - the protagonist or more like antagonist considering he kills everyone around him and possibly dooms humanity - is the most insufferable person ever - if anyone started observing obvious supernatural demonic behaviour you'd think that maybe they'd start listening to the literal mage that knows everything about it but no .... No ... he ... does .... Not .... He literally travels around the entire county infecting everyone every where. He killed his mother, by involving her, he killed his children by involving them, he killed the mage by not listening to her for maybe the 100th time and yeah he sucks:

Let me just add; I am aware that these people are sceptics and have the collective IQ of a mangled twig, but at the same time - it's not that hard.

Avoidable death 1: after Ruiz literally finds out there's a possessed on his farm and being well aware of the rules of no fire arms - he proceeds to kill a possessed goat. Even when his wife was telling him don't do it. His actions get him, his wife and his unborn child killed.

Avoidable death 2: the wife getting destroyed by the 4x4 I think 99% of deaths of this film wouldn't have happened if instead of everybody's default communication being yelling immediately and disregarding all and every bit of advice regardless of the abundance of obvious evidence plaguing the main characters and just went, "you know what, I don't know what's going on, maybe I should listen". Everyone would be alive.

Avoidable death 3: when Arriving at the literal deman slayers house - instead of expressing the information they knew i.e: saw my wife get killed and she called me on the phone, saw a possessed puss sack - everyone who's been involved has killed themselves, etc etc. They disclose limited to know information. In fact they actually dismiss the mages questions and say "yeah probs nothing, don't know what we saw lol", even tho they defo did, and it's obvious what's happening here. The lack of information giving and also just general questioning from the protagonists to the made result in the child been abducted and subsequently eaten.

Avoidable death 4: leaving grandma home alone with a child who's possessed. Why. Why. When they left grandma alone with his autistic child who we found was possessed I was like...... wait they actually left her there. What did u expect.

Avoidable death 5: the death of mage in the last scene was absolutely wild. She said several time - she is lying. He did not listen, he has no reason to not listen to this woman like it was gospel. Everything she said was correct. She's an expert in the field and she's explaining exactly everything he needs to do - he's almost reluctant to listen to her at every turn. I understand being sceptical, but it goes back to this whole mutually independent thing, of how even though the main characters have seen so many ridiculous things, they are still reluctant to believe the person who's been right about everything.

Finally my only other issue with this is - this is a governmentally recognised pandemic with protocols health service responses and clean up crews. It's only been going on for 12 years. Why are people so inept and so uneducated on a topic that seems massively relevant. Anyone you know could be possessed - I'd be looking over my shoulder every day.

It's also not like this was some long forgotten ancient order that has been lost to legend and time - it's been 12 years - and yes I know maybe nobody has seen one IRL, but are you telling me that not a single news report or prior teachings have been said: you'd thing the government would have laminated sheets in every educational, health and anywhere really of the 7 bloody rules - you'd teach that in primary school - instead nobody seems to know anything - makes little to no sense. Also the lack of government reasons for one of the most deadly pandemics ever - all it takes is for one person to get infected anywhere and the entire country is doomed - guy gets infected in the country side - drives into town - kidnaps a child and now u got 2 - they're unidentifiable from others and if u kill then with a gun anyone near u gets immediately infected and they infect animals.

Overall makes 0 sense:
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