Grimsburg (2024– )
Not bad, I'll try and watch another episode when it comes out.
23 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't sure at first, the opening scene was an indicator it was going to be filled with dark humor, which is fine but if that's what they were going to rely on for the entire series I felt it was going to get tedious rather quick. But it turned out it was fairly spread out, focusing mostly on the main protagonist and his quirks, if you can call them that, it's just one bizarre or unflattering character trait after another, so as this show progresses it might be a challenge to like him at all. One annoying thing that stuck out for me was how every single character that was introduced had to be just as if not more strange than the last. There are like no "normal" characters in this. So they are all going to compete for attention in scenes and it's really distracting and obvious they are trying really hard to make every single minute "funny" or a strange/weird kind of "funny" which isn't always and quite often if done too much just isn't humorous it's just desperately seeking laughs. I mean when they introduced the black partner who happens to be some strange cyborg I was about to say I had enough of this, I mean what in the hell is that adding to the story? Why not make him normal and then have some tragedy later on that he needs to be resurrected, they had his story shot out in one blip and there you go, there is that whole characters story-line done and gone. So now it's just going to be jokes about him being a cyborg and some "quirky" odd character habits to rely on. He's already as shallow of a character as you can get in this first episode, what is there to build on? I don't have high hopes for this, but will consider watching another episode.
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