Decently fun mystery/thriller.
23 January 2024
I somehow discovered this before I learned it was a remake of a film from the 1970s, with both being made by the same director. I'll rectify that slight on my part at some point by eventually checking out the original, but I look forward to doing so. I've read it's better, and I already think this version is pretty decent, so the idea of one day watching a superior version sounds enticing (I may wait a little while and hope I forget most of the plot before revisiting).

Anyone familiar with Knives Out might wonder if Rian Johnson got inspiration from this story; either the original film from the 1970s or the novel it was based on. It's about intrigue and volatility following the reading of a surprising will, and a detective is thrown in to oversee a family tearing themselves apart. It's messy and convoluted stuff, but it certainly had its moments.
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