Homegrown Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
Facing the inevitable music
29 January 2024
6.6 stars.

Lori Loughlin's character is supposedly around 40 years old and she's retiring from the company in New York City that she built from scratch. The actress is in her mid-50s. Yes, she does look good for her age but there's no way that she passes for a 40-ish year-old woman. I'm not gonna bother looking him up, but I think the lead male is pushing 50 as well. So now that the chronological ages are clarified, let's discuss the apparent maturity factor. Her character left him behind about 20 years ago and their parting ways was a mistake. He supposedly chose to stay behind, but we are not sure why. They're giving us bits and pieces of the puzzle to show us that there is more to the story. This is the same song, 50th verse: girl leaves boy behind, but remembers it differently, and supposedly he "set her free" so as not to hold her back from success. Now they are both regretting the decision, but the only reason why they are regretting it is because she has chosen to come home for Christmas. She's retired and has a lot of time on her hands, and they must face their guilt and work it out. Hypothetically, if she had never returned home, they would never revisit the old feelings, and never be together anyway. This is not a movie about fate, it's simply a movie about bad decisions, and having no choice but to face those decisions because you have nothing better to do. There's no lesson to be learned here. Well, maybe there is. The lesson is: don't be an idiot by choosing to sacrifice a relationship with your soulmate for no logical reason. So at its core, the theme is: don't be an idiot.

The dialogue in unoriginal, but I like both actors and the music and setting are nice. Otherwise, this movie deserves a 6.0 or below.
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