Odd and lesser Wim Wenders still isn't bad.
6 February 2024
I've grown quite fond of Wim Wenders in just the past month or so, having really loved Perfect Days and choosing to watch several older films of his ever since. I don't think Don't Come Knocking is one of the better ones by any means, and can understand why it's obscure and not particularly loved by all. But there is something comforting and watchable about it, even with the kind of awkward dip into melodrama it takes during some scenes in the back half. Melodrama can be done well, for sure; it's not a bad thing on its own, but I don't think it was successfully executed here.

Thankfully, Don't Come Knocking looks nice visually; I don't think there are any Wim Wenders movies that aren't pleasing to look at. I also liked the cast here - it's always good to see Sam Shepard, too, but again, I might be biased, because he's in two of my all-time favorite movies (Days of Heaven and The Right Stuff).

It's a character drama about an aging screw-up trying to seek some sort of redemption, and finding that's easier said than done. It works well enough for something low-key, with certain quirks added for good measure throughout, to the point where the overall vibe reminded me of the third season of Twin Peaks from 2017 (I'm not sure that's a compliment or not, or if I'm the only person who's ever thought this, but it feels worth saying in any event).
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