Jesus Christ
9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A Pollock Trust Fund presents "Reflections of Evil.' It sounds like an offshore account to dodge the IRS.

An old looking Tony Curtis introduces the movie, and for some reason, Perfect Sleeper Serta commercials are inserted into the movie, baked fresh from the late 1960s.

Julie, whoever she is, escapes from a psych ward, or the 60s themselves, and isn't conditioned to 1970.

Now what in the hell is the horrible dubbed audio?

Um, Chris Farley walks down the street unmedicated and swearing like a drunken sailor as two old couples are watching commercial-laden TV. Out of sync leather recliner delayed noises don't match when one of them raises to go spy on Farley, who's causing a ruckus outside.

A truck in another commercial for 'White Line Fever' literally bursts onto the scene, or screen, unannounced as Farley continues to stumble down the road agitated.

Betty Crocker ready to spread Frosting Chocolate is sliced into the movie by Tyler Durden.

I'm rewinding all that again as it's completely gone over my head, and I even neglected to mention there was 'Psycho' music interlaced amongst it all with a shopping commercial ad as Irene, whoever she is, carrying on like she's in 'Natural Born Killers.' (If Irene was armed, I think we'd have another mall shooting on our hands, judging by that expression on her dial.)

Is this really an official movie release? What am I actually watching here?

I've never seen anything like this before and been caught off-guard.

Farley pukes his guts up or out and vomits about ten gallons of Bush's Beans and Offal.

Um, let's see a show of hands. Who loves the F word?

Stabilize, movie! Can we get some stability on set, please? Stand down, movie! Stop that now! The movie needs some sort of traffic cop to control the out-of-hand situation.

This movie is making me feel like I'm five all over again and in a swimming pool with no arm floaties. I'm all lost at sea and on my own with this one.

Farley walks around Hollywood hocking stolen property, and everyone he encounters swears at him and becomes aggressive. This reminds me of Henry Rolling's walking down the street and bumping into everyone he meets.

Even Elvis gets in on the act and shucks and jives.

The devil from 'Natural Born Killers' hijacks some of the actors voices. That reminds me of those spaghetti karate movies with dubbed over English I watch.

Fentanyl wasn't around in '75, so I don't know what I can put all this bizarre behavior down to. Is leaky radiation exposure possible? The movie hints later on about jets dropping that white acid salt cloud onto us. Don't give me that crap that it's a coolant to drop the temperatures of the plane's engines.

One junkie's head spontaneously combusts. A pigeon chirps like a baby chicken.

This can't have been filmed in '75 because 'Miss Congeniality' is on a billboard.

I just checked the phone, and it claims this movie was released in 2002. But my DVD description says 1975.

You know what this is, don't ya? It's the 'Falling Down' gone postal extreme edition meets 'Class of Nuke 'Em High.'

Why is the sound so loud? And what are all those disgusting noises here and there?

This guy's like Del Griffith's brother, only he's not selling shower curtain rings.

How come no one has ever told me about this movie before?

Farley hops on a bus, and I'm praying Phoenix's Joker is sharing the same ride. What a hoot that'd be!

You know what this is, don't ya? A movie made by and for the Skid Row tent people.

The apartment Farley squats in comes equipped with a fridge full of food, and I especially love the Bush's Spam Escargot or the meatballs topped with moss. I think I'll pass on the plate of raw slugs though.

My aunt Marlene should have been in this movie. She'd fit right in.

What did the lady at the start of the movie have to do with any of this?

Did that half-eaten hamburger with the ultra-raw pickled onion really just move on its own and split open?

This isn't a movie with second or third acts; it's just one homeless man's day-to-day struggle to hustle stolen junk.

If this were Europe, they'd be selling magazines, not stolen watches.

Farley wanders aimlessly from one scenario to another.

The snowflakes of today will find offense at the off-duty cop scene and the Universal ride scene at the end, which mocks Auschwitz.

I can hear Karen Carpenter's voice, and I doubt they had permission to use it.

Just like the 'Jaws,' 'Star Wars,' and 'ET' copyrighted material they've inserted. I highly doubt Steven Spielberg agreed to his cameo at the end as well.

The movie loses its way at the 56-minute mark with this Universal Studios skit.

Where'd Farley go?

And who are all these other hippie weirdos?

The Farley madness was on course for a 10/10 rating, but it's turned into this other weird mellow nonsense with Flower People. Why has this been inserted?

The movie suddenly advocates for drug use, and all that pill popping and weed do is induce patterns and colors in a heightened state of astral travel. It's the cheaters method, not real OBEs.

I don't know what any of this means.

It's turned into a scrapbook full of an assortment of different additives not connected to the Farley bum.

I enjoyed the hard-hitting nature at the start with all the aggression, but it's turned bizarre and stupider.

Enter the dragon again, or Farley in this case, and now they've stolen 'Full Metal Jacket' material, and what comes to mind about this scene is that Canadian guy Jon Lajoie and his "I Kill People" song. He wouldn't have gone astray in this scene to add to the mix of madness.

1982's 'White Dog' makes a cameo, as do hundreds of other aggressive beasts attacking Farley, whose only counter is to swear at them.

All this swearing and aggression, yet no one's throwing down any actual action.

Someone just fell out of the sky for no reason and perished.

I'm surprised I didn't make an appearance in this movie, as I had a man making throat-slitting gestures at me on Hollywood and Bronson while cursing me out at the top of his lungs.

It's like they just filmed random people in the street like it's 'Candid Camera,' or something.

I think if you want to educate yourself about American culture, then study this movie.

And I believe this movie is like a handbook guide where umps, pitchers, and catchers learn their trade when losing their cool and confronting each other nose to nose.

Why won't this end, though?

It's worn out its welcome and still going some two hours later. I get the point already.

This movie needs medication to stabilize its unbalanced brain receptors, as they're all wired wrong.

Is this what it's like in the minds of those zombies from Kensington, Philadelphia?

I'm almost afraid to ask, but why does IMDb claim that there's a part two on its website called 'The Next Day?' Dear Lord, no! No way in hell, man. Not on my watch. My God, say it ain't so, Joe.

My God.

I'm out.
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