A Nice Big Slice Of McLaglen Ham
13 February 2024
Victor McLaglen is a marginal operator, about to be put out of business by the big-time crooks, when he catches a kid raiding his slot machines using slugs. He cuts a deal with the boy to do that to his competitors. Fast forward a dozen years later, and now McLaglen is the big man, and the kid, grown into John Baer, is about to graduate from law school, and already keeping McLaglen out of prison. But Baer meets Kathleen Crowley and her nice family, and decides he wants to be an honest man. McLaglen loves him, so he lets him go, and starts running into real trouble.

It's a role tailor-made for McLaglen as the big, sentimental slob of a crook, and under William Witney's efficient direction, it's a lot of fun in a stereotyped way, mostly due to McLaglen's hammy performance. With Anthony Caruso, Richard Travis and the voice of Art Gilmore.
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