Return of Sabata is an underrated gem in the spaghetti western genre, a must-see for fans
5 March 2024
I recently revisited the spaghetti western Return of Sabata (1971) on Tubi. The story unfolds in a small town controlled by the McIntock gang, taking advantage of the locals while falsely claiming to improve the town. In response, the townspeople enlist Samara to rid themselves of the leech known as McIntock.

Directed by Gianfranco Parolini (Sabata), the film stars Lee Van Cleef (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly), Reiner Schone (Mortal Kombat: Annihilation), Ignazio Spalla (Sabata), and Annabella Incontrera (The Ambushers).

While the entire Sabata series is entertaining, this third installment stands out as both fun and underrated. Lee Van Cleef's performance is consistently awesome, with terrific delivery of dialogue and compelling mannerisms that make his character easy to root for. The dialogue strikes a nice balance between comedy and action one-liners, and the plot is straightforward yet enjoyable. Moments like the "taxes" conversation add a layer of hilarity. The fight and action scenes are well-executed, with occasional clever use of a trampoline. The spaghetti western soundtrack complements the film perfectly.

In conclusion, Return of Sabata is an underrated gem in the spaghetti western genre, a must-see for fans. I would give it a 7/10 and strongly recommend it.
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