Bottom of the Barrel for Kids Shows and Variety Shows
7 March 2024
Bay City Rollers fans were mostly 12 to 14 year old girls. They were big for all of two years before the fad surrounding them died. In the US their heyday was even shorter, under a year. Today no one remembers them except for a single hit, Saturday Night.

Abd watching this, you see why. I struggled to remember a single song 5 minutes after hearing it. There was nothing remotely glam about them except wearing matching outfits.

I struggled to see why they appealed to young girls. Most of them are neither handsome nor cute. That's the power of a publicity machine to sell them as that.

So what was Krofft thinking throwing this show together after the band's popularity dropped? Most of it has xero to do with the band. The segments that are mostly have the band lip syncing to later poorer songs.

For the skits, they can't act and have no comedy skills, no surprise. But they have zero charisma also for a band that once enchanted so many.

If you're a Krofft fan, the Krofft segments might appeal to you. Everyone else will find this dull and former Rollers fans will be disillusioned.
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