"How do I get out of this maze?"
8 March 2024
About as rum a film as you'd expect to find Glynis Johns (here billed as 'Miss Glynis Johns'). If director Roger Kay didn't have his own Wikipedia page you'd detect the hand of William Castle in this roaring piece of hokum; although Castle would have been rather out of his depth as the film gets raunchier.

From the pen of Robert Bloch, who after he made his name authoring 'Psycho was swiftly in demand to write more psychological thrillers of which this was the first, shares the director of photography and had the effrontery to call itself 'The Cabinet of Caligari; since its resemblance to the original is superficial at best, apart from (SLIGHT SPOILER COMING:) the very ending.

This has plainly cast its net wide as Constance Ford's role strikingly resembles Alida Valli in 'Eyes Without a Face'. It isn't exactly good, but it's certainly memorable; while it's sadism and sex talk are pretty strong meat for the period.
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